Hearing the voice of God is pivotal for every believer’s walk with Christ. We have designed a 10 week course that will help you to discern the voice of God and give you Biblical theology for the ministry of the prophetic. Whether your a pastor looking to cultivate the prophetic in your ministry, or a young person who’s looking to grow in hearing God’s voice, we have something for you in this training.
We are so excited for all that’s going to be taught. This will be a very well rounded course that will include teaching on some of the following.
Theology of prophetic ministry
Activating prophetic ministry
Discerning the voice of God
Prophetic worship
Hindrances to prophetic ministry
Pastoring the prophetic
…and so much more
We’re also excited for the national and international voices that will pop in from time to time to impart and teach on some of the lessons.
Del Augusta
Del Augusta is the founder and senior leader of Collide City Church. Collide City Church is a multi-cultural spirit filled church in Fremont, CA.
With decades of experience in prophetic ministry and training, Del has a unique way of not only moving in the prophetic but teaching prophetic tools with incredible clarity.
Born and raised in San Francisco, Del lost his mother at the age of four to death and was raised by his grandmother in a Pentecostal church in San Francisco. He accepted Christ as his savior at the age of 12 and began his Preaching ministry at the young age of 13.
For the past years of ministry Del’s message has been marked with a humorous yet prophetic edge. Having travelled to over 20 countries preaching the gospel, Del’s desire is to see this generation come alive to Jesus in a sustainable way. Known for abruptness, Del believes that this generation is not waiting for more Sunday morning church services where we babysit the youth while the adults do their things. Del’s dream is to see churches awaken to the call to take over the world for Jesus without apology.
We have participants from all around the world, and to facilitate this we’ve made sure that this course is completely on webinar via Zoom.
Classes begin on September 2, 2024 and will take place every Monday from 7pm-9pm PST until November 11, 2024.
In case you miss a class, please note that the classes are not recorded. Though you may miss that specific class, you will still given written course material via the electronic course booklet provided you.
This course is open to all. No matter your maturity level in your walk with Christ, these classes are taught in a way where the beginner and the mature believer will be impacted. All ages and denominational affiliations are welcomed. This course is great for young people!
The cost of this course is $189 USD. This cost covers all teaching materials, small group coaching, and in person activation at November’s prophetic conference. Proceeds to the class will go to help the continued work of our church plant here at Collide City Church.