“A Father to fatherless, a defender of the widows, is God in His Holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in family”
Psalm 68:5-6
God created us to do life together. It’s in our design and nature. Our world today has preached the message of independence, individuality, and personal success, which leaves everyone feeling the need to put on a front and maintain an image. We’ve become in competition with one another, and we’ve learned to hide who we truly are. We believe that it’s the heart of God, that the church would be more a family, and not simply a spiritual organization. This is why community is a family value in our church. Our pursuit is to love God, and to learn to love each other with that same Agape love. We were meant to live in freedom and experience deep connection. We actually find fulfillment and become everything we were meant to be when we realize we need each other.
The sad truth is that church-people can sometime be some of the loneliest people on earth. We must admit that at time we as the church have been guilty of perpetuating a performance culture, where people feel the need to look and act a certain way in order to belong. But at Collide City Church, we believe in the power of authenticity—of showing up as who you truly are. Only when we’re real can we experience real relationships. We believe in that each of us need grace as we grow in love and relationship. This is why it is important for every member of our community to know that you belong before you behave.
Our vision for community is to recover the power of spiritual family. The term “community” can be cliche, but for our community here’s what community looks like
Our heart is that everyone feels permission to be in process with all of the imperfections that come with our humanity. Only when we sense permission to be honest about who we are, do we find healing through the Holy Spirit and in community.
It is important to understand that the most life-giving relationships that we have, tend to form intentionally and not accidentally. Our hope is to raise up disciples of Jesus who intentionally risk the discomfort of vulnerability in order to build family with other brothers and sisters in Christ.
If you ever visit our church, you can expect to see a jaw dropping amount of diversity. For our church we are intentional about creating a space where all can have a place. So whether it’s socio economically, ethnically, or even denominationally, our hope is to create a spiritual family that looks like Heaven…diverse.
The only missing piece in our family is you. We look forward to building a healthy life giving relationship with you.