On September 6, 2020, not only did we celebrate 10 years of ministry as The Collide; but while in a global pandemic we also officially launched our first worship service as Collide City Church in Fremont, CA.
We stand in God’s faithfulness and grace as we now celebrate the completion of our first full year as a church community.
This past year, like for many, has come with so many ups and down. Charles Dickens once told us that it was the worst of times and the best of times. That quote very much sums up what it’s felt like as we’ve watched God build our Presence driven family. In the midst of the ups and downs in the building, there’s been so much grace and we’ve watched the Presence of God dramatically transform lives.
We love what God is doing in our house. Whether it’s an altar call or a hug before service, Collide City Church has become a place for many to find Jesus and His family. Part of the beauty of this family is in the diversity of lives that God is bringing into our church. From single moms on the edge of giving up on their faith, to couples who had strayed away from their faith, God is using this our community to be His hands and His feet and we confess that is so absolutely marvelous in our eyes.
We believe God is going to do so much more and we need your prayers and continued support to continue to build His house.
What is the Legacy Campaign?
One of our many goals at Collide City Church is to build something that lasts longer than ourselves. And though we are small and new community right now, we believe that God is calling us to build something that will leave a legacy here in the SF Bay Area and around the world. But no legacy is built by one person alone. Every legacy requires a community that will help to build and sustain a lasting vision and legacy. What’s our vision here at Collide City Church? Our heart is to build a Presence-driven family. The Legacy campaign is meant to help us raise funds for foundational needs as a church, so that we can continue to work on building a legacy of God’s presence in our region.
How Can You Be a Part of the Legacy?
Right now our three largest financial needs are personnel, equipment, and venue. Our regular tithes and offerings have covered our basic needs as it concerns venue and personnel. So our initial goal in this legacy campaign is to raise a little over $30,00 solely for desperately needed equipment. You can see a list of the specific supplies and their costs to the right side of this webpage.
Purchasing these items will not only make it easier for us to find a long term venue (for now we can only use venues with a pre arranged sound system), but it’ll allow us to host mobile outreaches, and outdoor services and meetings.
as often as you can remember, please intentionally lift up our church and it’s leadership
Send us testimonies and words of encouragement, letting us know how God is ministering to you through our community
One Time Gift
Consider giving towards the Legacy campaign with a one-time financial gift to Collide City Church
Consider breaking down a large gift into smaller monthly donations. Your sustaining commitment will help us to budget towards meeting our current equipment needs
8 ¼ Inch instrument cable $320
Microphone stands $60
Piano Keyboard $700
Soundboard $3000
XLR cables $160
DI boxes $240
p16s/stands/in-ear converter cables $2000
Drum set $5000
Bass amp $500
Electric guitar amp $600
House speakers $500
Four floor monitors $800
Music stands $90
Wireless mics $800
1 wireless headset $800
black magic cameras (video) $4000
Canon R camera (photos) $2000
Camera lenses $3900
Cards, batteries, tripods, etc $1500
Outdoor Banners $800
A-Frame signs $360
Projector $2000